Sunday, May 24, 2020

10 Facts About Spanish Adverbs

Here are 10 facts about Spanish adverbs that will come in handy to know as you learn Spanish: 1. An adverb is a part of speech that is used to modify the meaning of an adjective, verb, another adverb or an entire sentence. In other words, adverbs in Spanish have basically the same function as they do in English. 2. Most adverbs are formed by taking the singular feminine form of the adjective and adding the suffix -mente. Thus -mente is usually the equivalent of the -ly ending in English. 3. Many of the most common adverbs are short words that dont end in -mente. Among them are aquà ­ (here), bien (well), mal (poorly), no (not), nunca (never) and siempre (always). 4. Regarding placement of adverbs, adverbs that affect the meaning of a verb usually go after the verb, while adverbs that affect the meaning of an adjective or another adverb are usually placed in front of the word they refer to. 5. It is extremely common in Spanish to use an adverbial phrase, usually a phrase of two or three words, where an adverb might be used in English. In fact, in many cases Spanish speakers often prefer adverbial phrases even where a corresponding adverb exists. For example, while the adverb nuevamente, meaning newly or anew, is readily understood, native speakers are much more likely to say de nuevo or otra vez to mean much the same thing. 6. In a series of adverbs that end in -mente, the -mente ending is used on only the final adverb. An example would be in the sentence Puede compartir archivos rà ¡pida y fà ¡cilmente (You can share files quickly and easily), where the -mente is shared with rà ¡pida and fà ¡cil. 7. Some nouns act as adverbs even though you might not think of them that way. Common examples are  the days of the week  and  the months. In the sentence Nos vamos el lunes a una cabaà ±a en el campo (Were going away Monday to a cabin in the country), el lunes is functioning as an adverb of time. 8. Occasionally, singular masculine adjectives can function as adverbs, especially in informal speech. Sentences such as canta muy lindo (he/she sings beautifully) and estudia fuerte (he studies hard) can be heard in some areas but sound wrong or overly informal in other areas. Such usage is best avoided except in imitation of native speakers in your locality. 9. Adverbs of doubt or probability that affect the meaning of a verb often require the affected verb to be in the subjunctive mood. Example: Hay muchas cosas que probablemente no sepas sobre mi paà ­s. (There are many things you probably dont know about my country.) 10. When no or another adverb of negation comes before a verb, a negative form can still be used afterward, forming a double negative. Thus a sentence such as No tengo nada (literally, I dont have nothing) is grammatically correct Spanish.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Whole Foods Market The Best Natural And Organic Foods

Whole Foods Market prides themselves as being America’s healthiest grocery store. The store finds the best natural and organic foods available to fulfill the strictest quality standards in the industry and maintains a commitment to sustainable agriculture. In 1980 it was founded in Austin, Texas when four local businesspeople decided the natural foods industry needed a supermarket format. The founders were John Mackey, Renee Lawson Hardy, Craig Weller, and Mark Skiles. Most of the growth in the company has been though merger and acquisitions (Whole Foods Market).The mission and vision statements establish Whole Foods Market’s identity and individuality. Whole Foods Market did a great job with its vision statement. It tells you what the†¦show more content†¦This is proven by the company’s spot on the FORTUNE magazine’s â€Å"100 best Companies to work For†. Whole Foods Market has been on the list every year since the list began in 1998. The company employs more than 80,000 employees. Walter Robb, Co- CEO, believes that employees’ happiness and health is essential. The key to achieving this is investing in employees’ personal and professional growth. The company encourages self-motivation and responsibility for personal success. The company offers various forms of assistance for team members who want to further their potential (Whole Foods Market). Overall, Whole Foods market strives for an egalitarian culture. The company established a policy to cap its executive salaries at no more than 19 times that of the average worker. The company’s unique gain-sharing plan rewards teams for coming under budget too (100 Best Companies). COMPANY STRATEGY The purpose of a business-level strategy is to create differences between the firm’s position and those of its competitors (Hitt, Duana, and Hoskisson). I think Whole Foods Strategy is differentiation. The store provides organic and natural food that are unique and valued to a certain market. Since the market of people perceived the product to being superior, they are willing to spend more money. Whole Foods Market is known to have more expensive products than most grocery stores. The company focuses on having the strictest

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Why Do Juveniles Do Bad Things - 842 Words

There are many individual-level variables that can explain why juveniles become involved in delinquent acts. One important variable that plays a major role in this is the major affect that family context has on the role of child development. More specifically, the idea of child abuse comes into play that has always been researched and focused on as a major part as to why some juveniles become involved in delinquent acts. Child abuse involves important family characteristics that affect the growth of a child and will ultimately damage them both physically and mentally. If a child is damaged at a young age, then they way they think and perceive the world changes, especially if help is not given to them in their time of need. Child abuse is a†¦show more content†¦With this problem of substance abuse, this will affect their state of mind even more and will cause them to act out and think differently than those children who have not been abused. All of these issues affect their m ental state of mind and will ultimately affect their judgment and whether or not they become seriously involved in delinquent acts or not. To further discuss how child physical abuse plays a major role in juvenile delinquency, Kerig, Ward, Vanderzee, Moeddel (2009) researched the traumas between juvenile offenders and how physical abuse affected their lives and caused them to be placed into correctional facilities. Kerig et al. (2009) stated that child physical abuse most commonly comes from a child’s caregiver. As this plays an important role in the outcome of a child’s mental state, it is important to realize that abuse in the home can have major negative impacts on a child’s mental state and will affect how they live their life and how they make the decisions, distinguishing between right and wrong. Kerig et al. (2009) state that child physical abuse can ultimately lead to Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and will affect a child’s judgment and affect th e course of their life. Included in this chronic trauma, children will result with symptoms such as guilt, impaired relationships, and disassociation. With theseShow MoreRelatedWhy Juveniles Should Be Legal1649 Words   |  7 Pagesany kind of human being, crimes are committed everyday by people who look like a bad influence or others that look innocent walking down the streets who have never committed a crime before. Juveniles ages 7-15 should not be sentenced to life without parole for crimes they commit because it would not be fair for them to spend the rest of their lives in jail for committing a mistake. Reasons can be found on why juveniles should be left inside a cell and arguments can build up if people disagree withRead MoreContributing Factors to Juvenile Delinquency1620 Words   |  7 PagesJuvenile delinquency, according to Agnew and Brezina, is the violation of the law by a minor which is any persons under the age of 18 in most states. There are many contributing fac tors to juvenile delinquency such as domestic issues or stress at school, and there are also four different theories, strain, social learning, control, and labeling, to explain the different prospective of why it is thought that juveniles commence in delinquent behavior. This particular discussion however, is going toRead MoreJuvenile Prisons And Its Effects On Youth1204 Words   |  5 PagesJuvenile Jails and its Effects on Youth Whoever commits a crime, must be punished. This is one of the common notion in human nature from time immemorial. Scientifically, we can say that, every reaction has an equal and opposite reaction. So, when punished, they learn that what they did was wrong and in most cases would never repeat it again. Among punishments, the most prominent one is imprisonment. People are confined inside bars for their acts, including children. They are given the name calledRead MoreIs Incarcerating Youth As Justice? Essay1322 Words   |  6 PagesResearch Question: Which are the main reasons why teenagers become â€Å"Juvenile Offenders† and how does Incarcerating them can help? Entry #1: Maynard, Robyn. Incarcerating youth as justice? An in-depth examination of youth, incarceration, and restorative justice. Canadian Dimension Sept.-Oct. 2011: 25+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 24 Oct. 2016. Summary Evaluation: In the article â€Å"Incarcerating Youth As Justice? An In-depth Examination Of Youth, Incarceration, And Restorative JusticeRead MoreThe Legal Age Of Juvenile Justice1648 Words   |  7 PagesJuvenile justice is the area of criminal law applicable to persons not old enough to be held responsible for criminal acts (Juvenile Justice. (n.d.). Retrieved September 3, 2014)[1]. A â€Å"crime† is any act or omission of an act in violation of a public law forbidding or commanding it (Criminal Law. (n.d.). Retrieved September 3, 2014)[1]. The legal age limit for who is considered to be juvenile varies from state to state, although many states have set the legal age limit at 18. Once a child hasRead MoreJuvenile Offenders And The Criminal Justice System1307 Words   |  6 Pagesis and how do we define it. According to The Free Dictionary recidivism is defined as â€Å"The behavior of a repeat or habitual criminal.† Juvenile offenders are studied on the re-offense that wil l occur and it is said that from 70% to 90% of offenders will re-offend. In the light of the criminal justice system and recidivism there is not actual consensus on what a criminal recidivism counts as, for example whether it counts as a repeat probation violation. National data that exist proves that 6 outRead MoreShould Juveniles Be Tried as Adults?1017 Words   |  4 PagesKids seem to be growing up earlier as the years go by. Serious crimes committed by juveniles have stayed pretty much the same in the last twenty years, but that is not to say people have not concluded differently. A thanks to laws passed in the ninety’s and more specifically between ninety two and ninety seven, It is easier to try juveniles as adults in the court system. There are multiple pros and cons to juveniles being tried as adult. These arguments range from a crime is a crime to they are notRead MoreThe Self-Control Theory of Crime Evaluation Essay1427 Words   |  6 Pagesexamine the social wor ld, with each other these theories have the great point of view, which one of them might deem. To be the main reason for any situation although people, have to consider it not the matter of theory over the other one the reason. All things surrounding people shared, in how the public will take it (Franklin P. Williams III and Marilyn D. McShane.2014).As a result, the criminologist would advise, which it is a theory base cause to figure out. The reason criminal activity occurs how theRead MoreThe Effects Of Juvenile Delinquency On Teens864 Words   |  4 Pagesunderdevelopment, deficiency and lack of housing areas. Theses can also affect teens that increase-doing crimes in which it called juvenile delinquency. There are two terms that define juvenile delinquency, 1: conduct by a juvenile characterized by antisocial behavior that is a beyond parental control and therefore subject to legal action; 2: a violation of law committed by a juvenile and not punishable by death or live impriso nment. (Cite). In this topic, I will explain more about family factors in whichRead MoreEssay On Juvenile Gangs973 Words   |  4 Pages The History Of Juvenile Gangs Jerry L. Page East Carolina University Introduction The History Of Juvenile Gangs Gang Types Over the course of history, there have been many gangs that have come to light. There are three different types of gangs that have been around for many years. These gangs are politicized gangs, neo-Nazism gangs, and street gangs. Politicized gangs promote political change by making other citizens scared of them. Street gangs are commonly known to cause violence

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Interview Questions free essay sample

Otherwise, you will loose your focus on answering those questions. Instead of giving them the best answers, it will turn out confusing out of the league. 1. Tell me about yourself? 2. Why do you want to work for us? . What would you do for us? What can you do for someone else can’t? 4. Why should we hire you? 5. What do you look for in a job? 6. What are your strong points? 7. What are your weak points? When dealing with interview questions, a certain applicant should understand the duties responsibilities of the position he’s applying for, his skills the company he’s applying for. Since you put your comment under the post â€Å"Becoming EMIRATES Cabin Crew Application Procedureâ€Å", so I presume that you are applying for Emirates as Cabin Crew. I may not give you an accurate answer to these questions because each individual has different skills previous working experiences. We will write a custom essay sample on Interview Questions or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But I will give you an idea on how you will deal on these questions. Before that, you need to take note that during interview sessions, these are the following factors you need to emphasize; 1 Your personality 2 Your Educational Background 3 Your Working Experiences 4 Your Skills Other than these, it is not really necessary to mention about your favorite hobbies, colors motto in life. I don’t think those things are important for Cabin Crew Position. Its fine to memorize some important phrases to answer these frequently asked interview questions. Though try to balance it, so they wouldn’t feel that you called your college teacher to help you out with those questions. Here’s the questions my idea on how you’re going to deal with it. Other people may have some idea so you might want to check some other links like these two a. ) Most Frequently Asked Interview Questions; b. ) 50 Common Interview Questions Answers. 1. Tell me about yourself. When answering to this question, you need to remember that they already have an idea on you since they have your resume. It is better to answer this in a short statement. You may start on telling your age what country you from. Second statement, might mention your over all qualifications that fit on the requirements their looking for. You need to assess yourself which of your qualifications educational background or working experience, will fit better on the requirements of the position of Cabin Crew. If you’re a graduate of customer-related-course not that much working experience, you can mention what degree you have what college school you attended with. Do not mention the years you attended instead mention there the reason why you took such study. Example, â€Å"I am a graduate of B. S. Tourism in University of the Phils. I took this course to gain knowledge, not just traveling but also my passion in customer service specifically in dealing with different type of people. If you’re not a graduate of customer-related-course but has working experience that has orientation about customer service, you may highlight on your statement your previous job positions some responsibilities. I mention there SOME because detailed info about this should be specified in your resume. 2. Why do you want to work for us? Emirates all knew that applicants aiming for a position of Cabin Crew means travel opportunities. So, it’s not bad to mention it here, although you need to emphasize the possible career development that Emirates can offer to you. Check for details. One or two reasons will be enough to discuss here. 3. What would you do for us? What can you do for us that someone else can’t? This question is quite relevant to the first question, like what I’ve said you can highlight your educational background or working experience that follows on the requirement of the position your applying for. You can also mention how dedicated you are when it comes to work responsibilities. That’s what make it difference, your commitment on work. Convince them on how committed you are what’s your attitude towards excellence. Example; As you can see in my resume, I have extensive experience as front desk officer. My basic task is to assist customers on the details of their stay in the hotel. I feel very confident in approaching people it was fully developed when I work for Crowne Plaza Dubai. I sincerely believe that I’m the best person for the job. I realize that there are many other applicants who have the ability to do this job. I also have that ability. But I also bring an additional quality that makes me the very best person for the job — my attitude for excellence. Not just giving lip service to excellence, but putting every part of myself into achieving it. 4. Why should we hire you? You can mention certain incident in your previous job that shows plus factor on your side your attitude towards work. For an instance in MGA’s case, there was a guest in front of his desk and finalizing the details of his accommodation in the hotel. Then suddenly the customer experienced breathing problem asked MGA for his bag of medicine in the bell boy. MGA asked him why he’s having breathing problem, the customer mention that his blood sugar was going down. MGA knew that getting that bag might take some time, so without hesitation MGA gave 1 piece of chocolate to the customer. He ate it felt better. MGA still called their nurse to attend on the customer assured customer’s condition to be normal again. In this situation MGA practiced an extra knowledge apart from his regular duties responsibility as front desk officer. 5. What do you look for a job? We all knew that everybody is looking for a job that gives good benefits compensation, but applicant should balanced his answer to this question by mentioning his objective of establishing a career on the chosen field. 6. What are your strong points? Pick one or two of your strong points and relate it with the Emirates requirement. For example, MGA worked previously in call center back there in Philippines. We all knew that in order to be a call center agent, you will undergo training that includes language or enhancement of communication skill. He mentioned this as his strong point. He had training in Australian, German American accent. He also mentioned that during college he took basic Japanese Language 7. What are your weak points? This is a common mistake to some applicants. For me, they asked this type of question not because their looking for a reason of not hiring you. Rather they’re going to assess if the â€Å"weak point† you’re considering will be manageable on their organization. Just a tip, there are some weak points that can turn positive points on the company’s side. Example; Proper Job Delegation A tendency to do a job of other people. It’s a negative one since you’re not following the proper job delegation. Although this may turn good in the company. Like for an instance, MGA mentioned that there was as instance in the front desk area where in a lot of customers were waiting there was a certain customer whose having a problem with his reservation. Instead of passing such customer to Reservations Department, he took the responsibility to clear the customer’s reservation proceed to its accommodation details. He knew that it’s not anymore his responsibility but he knew that Reservation Department was busy too that time so he just settled it by himself. He then mentioned that after that busy time in the front desk, he then coordinated with the Reservation Department regarding on such customer.